“We welcomed Dylan to the world in the early hours of October 18th, 2014. I will never forget the moment he was placed on my chest, we locked eyes with each other with amazement and we were instantly so in love,” Dylan’s mother Lauren wrote to us.

The first days were blissful, with every moment spent marveling at his perfection. However, what seemed like a routine beginning took an unexpected turn. Dylan began to spit up after meals, which quickly escalated from minor to concerning. Despite Lauren’s intuition suggesting something was amiss, her concerns were initially dismissed by the pediatrician as a viral illness, as she was told to go home and call if it continued.

“Dylan was swaddled up tightly and placed in his bassinet next to my bed,” Lauren told us. “I turned the light off and immediately heard him vomit. When I turned the light on he, his bassinet and the area around him was clean and dry. The vomit had been projected nearly 6 feet across the room onto the wall.”

This alarming incident led to a rushed visit to the hospital, where the fears were confirmed: Dylan had pyloric stenosis, a problem that causes forceful vomiting that can lead to dehydration. The surgery, intended to be a straightforward procedure, took a harrowing turn when Dylan's heart stopped. The moments that followed were a blur of pain and fear for his parents, as they grappled with the possibility of losing their son.

“I remember [a nurse] telling us that Dylan’s heart stopped. They were sorry but his heart stopped and they have been working very hard but they can not get it started again,” Lauren recalled. “She asked us if we needed a chaplin to come in to pray for us. I fell to the ground.”

Dylan recovering after surgery at only a few old. His heart unexpectedly had stopped beating during surgery.

Dylan poses with his new Holton’s Heroes t-shirt.

Miraculously, the medical team managed to revive Dylan, but he was left in a critical condition with signs of brain damage. The subsequent days were a rollercoaster of emotions and medical interventions, including the initiation of a hypothermia protocol and discussions about the grim possibility of organ donation.

Despite the overwhelming odds, Dylan's parents chose to fight for their son's life, guided by the expertise of his medical team. They witnessed the transformation of their once healthy baby into a fragile, critically ill child, surrounded by machines and medical staff fighting to save him.

As days turned into weeks, Dylan began to show signs of recovery. He overcame numerous challenges, from malnutrition to the removal of his ventilator. Each success was a testament to his resilience and the dedication of his medical team. The journey was far from over, though. The MRI revealed extensive brain damage, changing the trajectory of Dylan's life forever. He would face significant physical and cognitive challenges, but his parents remained committed to supporting him through every step.

“The world that we had known was now so different yet on the outside still looked so much the same.” Lauren told us.

Finally, after an agonizing wait, the day came when Dylan's mother could hold him again. It was a moment of bittersweet joy, a stark contrast to the vibrant health he once had. As they moved forward, the family found themselves in a new reality, forever changed by this experience as they now deal with the lifetime effects of a severe pediatric brain injury.

In an inspiring turn of events, Dylan's progress exceeded expectations. Now 9 years old, he’s communicating, moving, and living a fulfilling life. However, the oxygen deprivation he suffered had left him with severe balance, cognitive and gross motor issues.

Seeking to further aid his recovery, Dylan's family reached out to Holton’s Heroes for a specialized therapy device. This device, designed to stimulate muscle movement in Dylan's legs, has significantly improved his balance and mobility.

After receiving the therapeutic tool, Lauren excitedly shared, “Dylan had his first PT session with his device and he accomplished everything we’ve worked for years to do. It’s perfect!” The device, using electrical stimulation and a built-in gyroscope, actively adjusts to Dylan's gait, providing targeted muscle activation.

“It’s instantaneous when the stim is on. Electricity just activates the muscles. When you take it off he is back to his normal pattern.,” Lauren explained to us.

Dylan's story is not merely a tale of medical hurdles; it's a testament to the power of love, resilience, and the incredible impact of innovative medical technology. Through every step of his journey, Dylan and his family have shown that even in the face of adversity, hope can lead to miraculous outcomes.

We are only able to continue to help kids recovering from brain injuries with your personal support. Please consider making a tax-deductible gift directly to our foundation today. You can donate safely here.

Make sure to visit us on Instagram to see video of Dylan walking with his new device on his leg.

This device works better than we could have hope for! Eric, thank you so much. Without you we would not have been able to buy it on our own.
— Dana Lambert, Dylan's father

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