Matthew was only 11 months old when he was found unresponsive after an accidental drowning in the family’s home.

Ana, Matthew’s mother, was at work supporting her family while her now-estranged husband was home caring for their children. He allegedly fell asleep while Matthew found his way to an unguarded bucket of filled water balloons. Curiosity got the best of Matthew and he ended up face down at the bottom of the bucket with no way of escape.

“The sight of his tiny body laying in a hospital bed with several IV lines attached to his body [pushing medicine] into his tiny arm, all the strange body movements he was making, and seeing doctors and nurses running in and out of the room was enough to send me into a state of shock,” Ana told us. “That day our family changed completely.”

With Matthew’s birth father suddenly out of the picture, Ana was left alone to fight not only for the life and health of sweet Matthew but their four other children, as well. With five incredible kids depending on Ana, she got to work putting her family’s life back on track.

Through a lot of hard work, therapy and patience “Matthew’s gained back his smile, laughter, and ability to listen but he's yet to take his first step, sit up by himself or even eat orally,” Ana told us. “The drowning incident, unfortunately, sentenced my son to life with spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy among other health problems. And even though I've received some help paying for his doctor appointments, medicine, therapy, and even a wheelchair, there are several other expensive things I know could improve his life.”

Matthew’s mother Ana looks on as her son Max gives his little brother a kiss on the forehead while seated in the new Tumbleforms chair.

Matthew’s mother Ana looks on as her son Max gives his little brother a kiss on the forehead while seated in the new Tumbleforms chair.

We understand the high financial demands of a severely impaired child like Matthew, which includes a seemingly endless stream of therapy equipment. Thanks to all the generous donors we’ve had this past year, Holton’s Heroes was able to supply Matthew with some incredible items for home use.

Matthew received a blue Tumbleforms chair so he can comfortably join his family in any room in the house. Matthew also received a special waterproof bathchair called Splashy that is portable and doubles as a great chair for the beach or at the park! Additionally, Matthew received a brand new special needs stroller to help his mother with travel him.

We couldn’t stop there though, as Matthew’s mother Ana was in dire need of some assistance, too. Holton’s Heroes supplied Ana with a brand new laptop computer so she can begin to properly track and record all of Matthew medical records and appointments. Ana was speechless when she received her new computer and told us it was the first one she’s ever owned.

“So far Matthew and I have been enjoying all of these great gifts that have made our life all that much more easier,” Ana wrote to us. “I don't think a million "thank you’s” would be enough to show how much appreciative and grateful we are for these kind gifts, but THANK YOU again from my family to Holton's Heroes.”

Thank you so much to Holton’s Heroes for helping my son and myself with these incredible pieces of equipment. Matthew and I are forever grateful. ❤
— Ana Sanchez, Matthew's mother
