Wrap-Around Bandana

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HH Mock Face Cover.png
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Wrap-Around Bandana

Sale Price:$7.00 Original Price:$12.00

If you have to wear a mask, might as well look like a super hero.

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Our soft, seamless wrap-around bandana can be worn in more ways than one—and you and the kids will have a fun time trying to figure them all out! This versatile accessory is made of breathable, soft polyester and has full-color print that allows wearers to proudly display their support of pediatric brain injury survivors around the country.

During these unprecedented times, face coverings have become a staple of our every day life. This custom design allows you to be safe and fashionable as you move about the world respecting those around you. It’s perfect for hiking, cycling, jogging, yoga, surfing, motorcycling, dancing, tom-foolery, hi-jinx and for being lazy in a public park.

Please note: This mask is not intended for children under 2 years old. Users should use common sense and adhere to CDC-approved guidelines whenever in public. This item is not designed to protect users from COVID-19, other infectious diseases, wild animals, heart-break, or papercuts—but it will look reeeally good on you while you deal with these issues. ;)

We’d love you to quickly check out our summer virtual event #BeAHeroChallenge

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